About The Event
Highly recommended textbook: Easy Spanish Step-by-Step by Barbara Bregstein, available on
In this 8-week course, students will build on their previous acquisition of verbs, vocabulary, and fluency. The goal is for students to develop the skills necessary to express themselves in more complex ways and in longer complete sentences. Incoming students should have underlying proficiency in the basics, including ser vs. estar, and how verbs conjugate. We will begin with Chapter 7 in the textbook Easy Spanish Step-by-Step by Barbara Bregstein. Incoming students may want to review Chapters 1-6.
Dixie Kanold is a certified Spanish teacher who has lived in both Mexico and Spain. Her graduate studies include Child Language Acquisition Research, that is, how the brain actually acquires language.
That research informs the teaching strategies used in Ms. Kanold’s classes. She also teaches with the goal of 100% engagement from her students at all times through activities, dialogues, and interactions.
$100 for The Center Members | $120 Non-Members
When & Where
Dates: January 17-March 7
Fridays, 3:30 to 5:00pm
In-Person at The Center McDonald/Wright Building | Third Floor | Community Room Two