Empower Your Event, Strengthen Our Community
The Center thrives thanks to the generosity of individuals and businesses like yours! You can contribute in several ways, such as through your event, a percentage of sales, specific item sales, or other means, fostering a vibrant community and forging meaningful connections. Third-Party Events support The Center by providing opportunities for individuals or businesses to contribute financially. They can range from simply using our name and logo to requesting promotion on social media, staff attendance, volunteer involvement, or marketing assistance.
Here’s how you can support The Center:
Simple Partnership
- Raise funds by donating a portion of sales, making specific item purchases, or other means to support our mission.
- You can use our logo in your marketing materials to promote your event and The Center’s impact.
- For events needing only our logo or where you manage all promotions while contributing financially, email James Lindquist.
Are you seeking volunteers or additional support?
Would you like volunteers, marketing assistance, or more collaboration? Fill out our Third-Party Event form, and we’ll review your request within seven business days.
If you are still determining the level of assistance needed for your event or want to discuss how your event can contribute to and benefit The Center, please email George Sinatra and James Lindquist or call them at 760-416-7790 for guidance.
Let’s build meaningful connections and create a thriving, vibrant community together, making magic along the way!