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Food Bank Manager

Stuart Huggins

Stuart was born in Detroit, Michigan and raised in Ventura County, California. He spent the bulk of his career working with college students. In the field of Student Affairs, his teams worked very hard to prepare for every eventuality. Through his 25-year career in education, he learned how to handle every situation with peace and a calm consistency, plus Stuart has many amusing stories to share about some of the wild things he’s seen in that time.

Over the years, he has donated much of his time to his favorite charities. Among them, PFLAG Los Angeles, where he has served as Vice President and now as Program Coordinator. The most rewarding experience is his volunteer work with the Friday Men’s Chat at the Center. Stuart’s family and church community are also very important to him. On his off days, you might find him playing tennis, trying to keep up with his latest book club reads, or working on genealogical projects. Stuart is grateful for the opportunity to build on what others have done. In so many ways he stands on the shoulders of giants. Most importantly though, he is a husband, a guncle, and a dog dad.