by Charles Huff

There are many things in this world we need to feel secure about, but it does not dawn on the average person that there are neighbors, family and friends who are not food secure, and they would never know. It is second nature to say, “I’m going home to eat;” “Let’s go out and eat tonight,” “Where are we eating tonight?” For many, those questions are NEVER or rarely posed.

I returned to The Center in the role of Director, Food Security to hopefully make sure that, at least, the statement “I’m going home to eat” can be made. Food has been there for every major event in my life; joy, pain, sorrow, celebration, comfort and most of all nutrition. It was my mother’s profession and passion, and through inherited DNA and taught commitment, serving food is now my passion.

The fulfilment in knowing you helped someone along the way to a better week, month, year – LIFE – you rest easier at night. Knowing that you helped a senior have food for the rest of the week/month because social security isn’t enough, that you got an unhoused individual food they can have immediately or that a food bank card has been returned because the client has risen to the next level and no longer needs our services. It is a gift that makes you smile brighter, lift your head higher and have the strength, compassion, passion and empathy to do it again and again… A gift you can only be thankful for.

There is no reason why anyone should have to be without basic food in these Unites States of America, yet it is so. It is us empathetic, good humans who are our brother’s keeper. Assisting, referring, listening and creating community for those who have none or are perceived as not having community. The Community Food Bank does this weekly; client community, volunteer community, pet community, work community, non-profit community, all making this FOOD Community fun, passionate, committed and resourceful. Weeping endures for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Join us in joy by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word that the Community Food Bank is here to assist, bigger & better than ever before!

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