The Monday Noon Living Sober Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is the oldest LGBTQ meeting in Coachella Valley.
This Healthy Boundaries group is designed to help the general public understand how to take care of self while implementing and keeping boundaries that might be needed in their lives.
This is a CMA group that gathers every Monday night at 7:00pm with the topic being Stop The Insanity. It is an open meeting and discussion for anyone to attend.
This ongoing virtual session is open to all colorectal cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.
This is a CMA Discussion Meeting that occurs every Tuesday night from 5:30-6:30pm with the focus being "Stick to the Topic." It is an open meeting for anyone to attend.
This ongoing in-person session is open to all colorectal cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.
Sacred Wounds is an virtual drop-in therapeutic support group for those who experienced religious hurt, discrimination, and/or ostracization.
This is a CMA group that gathers every Wednesday night at 7:00pm focusing on Sex, Love, and Relationships. It is an open meeting for anyone to attend.
The LGBTQ+ Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who are learning to live without drugs. Narcotics Anonymous meetings provide an atmosphere of recovery where individuals can share their common problems and solutions.
The Big Book Study is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and is available to anyone interested in the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery from alcoholism.
Recovery meeting using Buddhist practices and principles (Meditation and Mindfulness) each week on Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00pm.
Who Cares? Caregiver Support Group is a peer-led support group for those who are caring for their loved ones.
El Centro es una organización benéfica pública sin ánimo de lucro 501 (c)(3) - EIN # 33-0937301
Política de Privacidad © El Centro Comunitario LGBTQ del Desierto. Sitio web de Free Logic Inc.