In-person, drop-in group to help process anxiety and stress related to the upcoming presidential election and politics in general.
Our "Core & More" class is designed to not only improve your stability and prevent falls but also to bring a whole lot of fun and excitement to your workout routine.
Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that’s done while seated or using a chair for balance to make the practice more accessible.
About the Event CoDA is a 12 step recovery meeting for those who identify as Codependent. The only desire is to have healthy loving relationships. “What is Codependence?- Somewhere along the line, we learned to doubt our perception, discount our feelings, and overlook our needs. We looked to others to tell us what to think, […]
In-person, drop-in bisexual support group. Pink Purple & Blue Crew is a welcoming and affirming space designed for individuals who identify as bisexual to find community, acceptance, and love for who they truly are.
The Center is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) public charity • EIN # 33-0937301
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