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Event Series Codependents Anonymous (CoDa)

Codependents Anonymous (CoDA)

Scott Hines Behavioral Health Clinic 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr, 2nd Floor, Palm Springs, CA, United States

About the Event CoDA is a 12 step recovery meeting for those who identify as Codependent. The only desire is to have healthy loving relationships. “What is Codependence?- Somewhere along the line, we learned to doubt our perception, discount our feelings, and overlook our needs. We looked to others to tell us what to think, […]

Event Series Knit Together

Knit Together

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Social and sharing platform for a community of fiber enthusiasts. Come and join us!

Free – $25
Event Series Bereavement Support Group

Bereavement Support Group

Scott Hines Behavioral Health Clinic 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr, 2nd Floor, Palm Springs, CA, United States

In-person, closed therapeutic support group for those who have lost a loved one and want assistance in dealing with their loss and to talk with others who understand what they are going through.

Event Series Understanding Music

Understanding Music

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This class is designed for both musicians and non-musicians. It covers basic music theory and a survey of music history, including jazz and rock.

$120 – $170
Event Series Basic Spanish II

Basic Spanish II

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is an 8 week Basic Spanish II course. Students should have underlying proficiency in Spanish basics, such as adjective/noun agreement, numbers and dates, ser vs. estar and telling time. In this class we will focus on verb conjugation, longer sentences and expressions, comparing things, vocabulary-building and lots of practice.

$100 – $120

Transgender Day of Rememberance

Please join us for a community vigil and potluck celebrating the memory of trans and gender expansive individuals who lives have been lost this year in acts of anti-transgender violence.

Event Series AA: Big Book Study

AA: Big Book Study

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

The Big Book Study is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and is available to anyone interested in the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery from alcoholism.

Event Series Recovery Dharma

Recovery Dharma

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Recovery meeting using Buddhist practices and principles (Meditation and Mindfulness) each week on Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00pm.

Event Series LGBTQ+ and Friends Al-Anon

LGBTQ+ and Friends Al-Anon

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

The LGBTQ+ and Friends Al-Anon program is designed to help those people who have been impacted by the alcoholism of a loved one. Al-Anon reinforces that no situation is really hopeless and that it is possible to find contentment, and even happiness, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.


Amigos CV

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Amigos Coachella Valley is a peer-support group that provides a safe space for Latino men. It is also an open discussion group. Join us.

Event Series Community Food Bank Distribution

Community Food Bank Distribution

The Community Food Bank at The Center 2901 E. Alejo Road, Building 12, Palm Springs, CA, United States

The Center is dedicated to serving local families/residents experiencing food insecurity regardless of their race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, religion, political persuasion, national origin, disability, and/or covered veteran status.

Event Series Mis Amores

Mis Amores

The Center Eastern Coachella Valley 1515 Sixth Street, Coachella, CA, United States

Un grupo de apoyo para personas que tienen familiares LGBTQ+. Spanish-speaking support group for parents and family members of LGBTQ+ folks.


Queer Pages: Unbound Perspectives on Love and Desire

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

A weekly gathering where community members read and discuss together a series of readings that challenges heteronormative narratives and uplifts the diverse experiences of queer, trans, and people of color (QTPOC) in exploring relationships and sexuality. No need to read the books and articles ahead of time.

Event Series CMA: Step Study Group

CMA: Step Study Group

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

CMA group that gathers every Thursday night at 6:30pm for a step study meeting. It is an open meeting for anyone to attend.

Event Series Open-Play Bridge

Open-Play Bridge

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Come have some fun and enjoy playing Bridge in a casual and safe environment!

Event Series Drawing Faces & Figures

Drawing Faces & Figures

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This class will be a gently guided opportunity to engage in the rewarding pleasure of drawing as a simple process. No prior art training or previous experience is required. We will be using everyday pencils, erasers, and basic paper - all of which will be supplied.

$60 – $80
Event Series Intermediate Guitar

Intermediate Guitar

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This level is perfect for those that have taken a previous "Beginning Guitar" class or have been playing for at least 6 months on their own

$120 – $170
Event Series Beginning Guitar

Beginning Guitar

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Always wanted to learn guitar? Have an old guitar gathering dust that calls out to you? No prior music experience needed...just a desire to learn and have a blast! Designed for beginner students.

$120 – $170

American Sign Language Beginners

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This 8-week course is designed for students with no previous experience in American Sign Language. 

$80 – $100