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Event Series Beginning Ukulele

Beginning Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Have fun and join in with others to learn how to play the ukulele.

$100 – $150
Event Series Intermediate Ukulele

Intermediate Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Designed for Intermediate/Advanced Ukulele players, or those with previous music experience.

$100 – $150
Event Series CMA: Stop The Insanity

CMA: Stop The Insanity

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is a CMA group that gathers every Monday night at 7:00pm with the topic being Stop The Insanity. It is an open meeting and discussion for anyone to attend.


Event Series CMA: Stop The Insanity

CMA: Stop The Insanity

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is a CMA group that gathers every Monday night at 7:00pm with the topic being Stop The Insanity. It is an open meeting and discussion for anyone to attend.

Event Series Beginning Guitar

Beginning Guitar

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Always wanted to learn guitar? Have an old guitar gathering dust that calls out to you? This is where to begin in a safe and fun environment with other folks doing exactly the same thing.

$100 – $150
Event Series Beginning Ukulele

Beginning Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

No prior music experience needed, just get ready to have fun and join in with others as we learn the ukulele!

$100 – $150
Event Series Advanced Ukulele

Advanced Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

All New Advanced Ukulele Class! Here we focus on building repertoire as well as other advanced skills.

$100 – $150
Event Series Intermediate Ukulele

Intermediate Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

All New Intermediate Ukulele Class! This class is designed for folks that have either taken a previous ukulele class here at The Center or have been playing on their own for at least six months.

$100 – $150
Event Series CMA: Stop The Insanity

CMA: Stop The Insanity

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is a CMA group that gathers every Monday night at 7:00pm with the topic being Stop The Insanity. It is an open meeting and discussion for anyone to attend.

Event Series Intermediate Spanish

Intermediate Spanish

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is an Intermediate Spanish course. We will start with lots of review in chapter 6 and march onward.

$100 – $120
Event Series Beginning Guitar

Beginning Guitar

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

Always wanted to learn guitar? Have an old guitar gathering dust that calls out to you? This is where to begin in a safe and fun environment with other folks doing exactly the same thing.

$100 – $150
Event Series Beginning Ukulele

Beginning Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

No prior music experience needed, just get ready to have fun and join in with others as we learn the ukulele!

$100 – $150
Event Series Advanced Ukulele

Advanced Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

All New Advanced Ukulele Class! Here we focus on building repertoire as well as other advanced skills.

$100 – $150
Event Series Intermediate Ukulele

Intermediate Ukulele

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

All New Intermediate Ukulele Class! This class is designed for folks that have either taken a previous ukulele class here at The Center or have been playing on their own for at least six months.

$100 – $150
Event Series Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries

Clínica de Salud Mental Scott Hines 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr, 2nd Floor, Palm Springs, CA, United States

This Healthy Boundaries group is designed to help the general public understand how to take care of self while implementing and keeping boundaries that might be needed in their lives.

Event Series CMA: Stop The Insanity

CMA: Stop The Insanity

The Center McDonald/Wright Building 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA, United States

This is a CMA group that gathers every Monday night at 7:00pm with the topic being Stop The Insanity. It is an open meeting and discussion for anyone to attend.
