Connect with our community through stories, tips, and a sneak peek at what we do behind the scenes.
The Center’s Response to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
The LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert believes in the right to bodily autonomy for all people, including the right to make reproductive health decisions for themselves and their families, unrestricted by the state.
The Power of Pronouns
Words are powerful. They help us to communicate and describe the world around us, but they also help describe us to the world and allow deeper understanding and connection beyond
Coachella Pride
Like many places across the country, LGBTQ+ people have lived and thrived in Coachella, Mecca, Thermal, and elsewhere in the Coachella Valley… they just tend to get a bit overshadowed
Spring 2022 Update
In these days of change and continued re-emergence into a new world altered forever by the recent pandemic, the ability to adapt and establish a solid footing in this shifting
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