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Codependents Anonymous (CoDA)

August 20 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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About the Event

CoDA is a 12 step recovery meeting for those who identify as Codependent. The only desire is to have healthy loving relationships.

“What is Codependence?- Somewhere along the line, we learned to doubt our perception, discount our feelings, and overlook our needs. We looked to others to tell us what to think, feel, and behave. Other people supplied us with information about who we were and should be. It became more important to be compliant or avoidant rather than to be authentic, and we adopted rigid beliefs about what “should be.” We believed that if we could just “get it right,” things would be okay. When we “got it wrong,” our sense of security and self-worth evaporated.” – from CoDA.org

Please visit www.coda.org for more information about Codependents Anonymous

Book Study Meeting: “Growing up In CoDA”.


Facilitated by Debbie Kahng, AMFT #147330.

For more info or to join, email debbie@thecentercv.org.

When & Where

In-person, drop-in, weekly on Wednesdays, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST


August 20
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Scott Hines Behavioral Health Clinic
1301 North Palm Canyon Dr, 2nd Floor
Palm Springs, CA 92262 United States
+ Google Map
(760) 416-7790 Ext. 3