
Conecte con nuestra comunidad a través de historias, consejos y un vistazo a lo que hacemos entre bastidores

Harnessing the Power of Words

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and as we take this time to discuss and reflect on mental wellbeing, it’s important that we carry with compassion and intention the language we speak into the world. Our choice of words has remarkable power – a power to uplift or to tear down, to heal or to harm. It is our decision to use words either as a balm or a weapon.

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Beyond Fitting In: The Importance of Finding Places of Belonging

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves seeking spaces where we feel we “fit in.” Whether it’s a social group, a workplace, or a club of like-minded people, the desire to
belong is a fundamental aspect of human nature. However, there’s a deeper level of fulfillment that comes from finding places where we truly belong rather than just fitting in.

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Be a Kind Traveler

As a proud partner with Kind Traveler, The Center invites our community to explore exclusive offers from Kind Traveler’s socially conscious collection of hotels and an opportunity to give back and support our mission. Kind Traveler is the first Give + Get hotel booking platform that empowers travelers to make a positive impact in the communities they visit. 100% of donations go to The Center.

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What is Trans Day of Remembrance?

November 20th is the annual Trans Day of Remembrance, and we invite you all to honor trans individuals who we have lost. Although they have passed, the Trans Day of Remembrance (sometimes called TDOR) is a day to celebrate trans individuals and their powerful contributions.

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Meet the New AmeriCorps Members at the LGBTQ Community Center

This year, the LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert has taken on two members from Equality California, Dorra Azizi and Sofia St. John, who have been so excited to join The Center’s team for the year. Read on to learn about Dorra and Sofia, and their experience menntoring the LGBTQ+ youth at The Center!

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Crowds of people carrying flags at the Latinx flag parade

Latinx & Latine: How To be Inclusive In Spanish

Latinx? Latine? Latino/a? Latin@? How do we refer to a non-binary individual of Latin American descent or to the Latin American community as a whole while being inclusive to all gender identities within the community? After all, languages can be tricky, especially a foreign or second language.

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